• スピード : 1 X
  • ループ
  • 前倒し払い
  • 外部プレーヤー
  • 自動比率
  • 0.5
  • 0.8
  • 通常
  • 1.5
  • 2


Alex Coals new foster stepmother has her best interest at heart. As she moves in with her new husband, she makes sure that he is willing to take Alex in as a foster stepdaughter of his own. He agrees, and Alex moves in. But while they take some Stepfamily photos, Alex wears an outfit that does not satisfy her new foster Stepfamilys rules. To make sure her foster Stepparents forgive her mistake, she shows her foster stepdad that she is willing to follow all of his rules and regulations. Video of this case is available upon request. Case filed by Social Services Agent TS.
