• スピード : 1 X
  • ループ
  • 前倒し払い
  • 外部プレーヤー
  • 自動比率
  • 0.5
  • 0.8
  • 通常
  • 1.5
  • 2


予告編 ミスターフローリッシュはフィジーのリゾートにいた時、プールサイドで金髪の小柄な女性(アナ・コヴァチェンコ)が彼にちょっかいを出しているのを目撃した。
MrFlourish was at a resort in FIJI when he saw a blonde petite chic (Anna Kovachenko) flirting with him around the pool area. He told her him and his finance were there on a 3 day vacation but that did not stop her from wooing him and getting in his pants. At first he thought it was just going to be a 1 off fuck and then enjoy rest of the time. He did not know she would get addicted to his BBC and want his cock each of the 3 days at the resort !
